Lucky Reptile Halogen Sun 50/75/100W

Product Code: LLH050PL
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Brand: Lucky Reptile
Product Condition: New

Lucky Reptile Halogen Sun - 50w/75w/100w

The Lucky Reptile Halogen Sun spot lamp brings more light and heat on the spot and does lead to a lesser increase of the ambient air temperature than regular reptile spot lamps with the same wattage. As result it is easier to set up the proper heat gradients in the terrarium and greater distances between animal and the spot lamp can be realized. Further advantages are the higher average life, the higher resistance against spray water and the 15% lower power consumption compared to incandescent spot lamps with the same wattage. A 75W Halogen Sun is suitable to replace a 100W incandescent spot in regards to heat output and offers even more light output.

HS-50 = 50w
HS-75 = 75w
HS-100 = 100w
£16.99 inc. tax

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