Tetra Pond Algo Fin 250ml

Product Code: 6440PW
Rating: Be the first to write a review
Brand: Tetra
Weight: 370.0g
Product Condition: New

Tetra Pond Algo Fin - 250ml

Tetra Pond Algofin is a HSE approved algaecide for blanketweed. - Used to keep algae growth under control long-term. - Safe for fish plants and wildlife. Add 50ml of AlgoFin for every 1000 litres (220 gallons) of pond water. Shake the bottle well before use. Add a half dose every 4 to 6 weeks for long-term suppression .Can be used in combination with Tetra Pond PhosphateMinus.

Always read the instructions carefully before use.

£11.29 inc. tax

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